Powering Up a Solar Brand: New Mexico Solar


Positive Energy Solar

Regina Wheeler, CEO of Positive Energy Solar was recently featured on Santa Fe based radio show, ‘Those Branding Guys’ to talk about the rich history of the company and solar industry throughout New Mexico. “Migration to renewable energy solutions is increasing exponentially across the country. Due to our abundant sunshine, New Mexico is #2 in the nation for solar resources, making it a great place to harness the power of the sun,” Regina said. “Positive Energy Solar provides services across the state [with offices in Albuquerque, Los Alamos, and Santa Fe] and is enjoying substantial growth, now with 85 employees.”

Customer experience is a top priority for Positive Energy Solar; ensuring everyone at the company understands customer service and how they are each a reflection of the brand. This employee education starts with setting expectations during the hiring process and continues through providing tools to employees to interact with customers in a manner that aligns with the brand.

Young people are drawn to working at Positive Energy because of both the meaningful impact on the environment and the B-Corp aspect of the company. With a Brand Bold mindset, all employees are treated like owners assured transparency and input into company processes.

Regina also spoke about the Positive Energy Solar’s strong presence within the community, relying heavily on referrals from happy customers who have already had solar installed from the company, as well as attending and sponsoring events and partnering with community organizations to further the goals of both groups.
