Positive Energy Solar - Serving New Mexico's solar energy needs since 1997


Allow us to reintroduce ourselves, we're Positive Energy Solar!

What's in a name? You may have noticed our logo and name has "changed" recently, here's why:

Back in 2015, we tried a marketing experiment with SunPower and co-branded our name to "SunPower by Positive Energy Solar". This ended up causing brand confusion as people didn't know what to call us anymore or whether we were still the same company, and the same quality and corporate values they had come to expect from us.

While we have continued to operate as the same locally owned (and employee owned) company we have always been, the confusion began to become more apparent as time went on.

So, we are back to being Positive Energy Solar. We still sell and support SunPower solar products, we just missed our name and logo too much!

Contact us today to to learn about the Positive Energy Solar difference and get your free consultation!
