How Long Do Solar Panels Last?

How Long Do Solar Panels Last?

Solar panels are a significant investment, so it is important to know how long they will continue to generate electricity and perform as expected.

Most solar panels have production warranties guaranteeing they last 20-25 years. However, by selecting quality solar panels & with proper care, some solar panel systems can last 30 or more years; There are solar panels built in the 70's that are still operating today!

The longevity and effective performance of solar panels is a common factor that interests people looking to enter the solar market.

Here are a couple of things to consider that are most likely to impact the performance of your solar panels.

The Importance of Proper Installation

Proper installation of solar panels is essential to ensure they perform effectively and yield the greatest return on investment. This involves careful placement of the panels at the optimal angle to capture the most sunlight and proper connection to the electrical grid.

Solar panel installation should be done by a qualified professional. Wiring must be installed correctly and up to code. The benefits of a properly installed and maintained solar panel system can be tremendous, both economically and environmentally.

How To Extend the Lifespan of Your Solar Panels

Regular maintenance can help achieve longer life for your solar panels. It is important to understand the benefits of creating a maintenance plan to help avoid decreases in efficiency as well as identify any repair needs.

While solar panels can last for many years, they will degrade over time as more dust accumulates on them or if parts begin to wear away. These issues may lead to them producing less electricity.

Regularly cleaning your panels and ensuring they are free of debris such as leaves, branches, dirt, or bird droppings will maximize their efficiency and extend their lifespan.

Regular maintenance also enables technicians to spot any potential issues early on and rectify these before more detrimental problems arise.

This type of regular maintenance is recommended to ensure an uninterrupted power supply from your solar panels and worry-free operation for as long as possible.

In conclusion, solar panels are an excellent option for homeowners looking to reduce their energy costs and their environmental impact. With proper installation, care and maintenance, they can provide reliable electricity for decades - up to 25 years or more. Ultimately, investing in solar panels is a wise decision that can produce both cost savings and environmental benefits that last many years.

Give us a call today if you want to be more informed about solar panels and their upkeep.
