Trump's Tariffs Can't Stop Solar. Here's Why.


Trump’s Tariffs Can’t Stop Solar. Here’s Why.

This is the best time for homeowners and business owners to switch to clean, affordable energy.

On January 22nd, the Trump Administration announced a 30% tariff on US imports of solar cells and panels. But—for New Mexico homeowners and businessowners—the news doesn’t change a fundamental fact:

2018 is still an extraordinarily good time to go solar!

Solar Panel

Even in the face of trade disputes, residential solar system prices remain very low. Rapid tech advances, increases in market demand, declining costs of installation and attractive solar financing assure New Mexicans that: Solar is still the most cost-effective option for powering a home or business.

Falling costs are just one of many reasons to go solar in 2018. There are other big reasons to act now:

1. Some pre-tariff priced modules are still available. In anticipation of the solar tariffs, Positive Energy Solar took steps to have pre-tariff priced modules available for residential systems in early 2018. These supplies are very limited but create a great opportunity for people ready to buy solar today.

The 30% federal tax credit starts scaling down after 2019. The federal government is still offering big incentives to go solar—if you take action before the end of 2019. In the following years, tax credits will decline to 26 percent and then to 22 percent.

Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) Timeline

2. New Mexico’s “Net Metering” rules make solar an excellent investment. Net metering enables New Mexico residents to generate their own power and get credit for what they provide to the grid for others to use. This law is in effect now, but it may not be forever. By going solar in 2018, you can get the most out of your investment.

3. Solar is more efficient and reliable than ever. SunPower modules carry an unrivaled 25-year power and product warranty to ensure the production of clean, affordable energy from your solar system.

25-Year Combined Warranty

4. This is the moment to help to clean our air and water. From water shortages to air pollution, there are serious rising challenges to our environment and quality of life. Going solar is a simple and effective way to be part of the solution.

Solar energy is good for the environment.

If you're considering installing solar panels in New Mexico, whether your just starting your research or have a proposal and want a second opinion, Positive Energy Solar is here to help. Contact us today!